What to Know About Pediatric Physical Therapy
In recent years, pediatric physical therapy has become a much more common practice. However, not everyone may understand what this entails. Pediatric physical therapy is a distinctive area of rehabilitation that focuses on improving function in children and babies. Physical therapy is mainly administered by a certified physical therapist who specializes in pediatrics.
There are many reasons why a child may need physical therapy services. Most of these services are likely to be orthopedic in nature. Perhaps they have weak muscles or tight tendons. Some conditions may be neurological or even developmental, thus calling for closer attention.
These conditions might include spina bifida, autism, developmental delay, or down syndrome, among others. It’s good to understand that pediatric physical therapy can easily manage any condition that may cause your child to have issues with movement.
Pediatric physical therapists should be licensed by the licensing board of their given region. For better assistance, you should consider taking your child to a pediatric physical therapy specialist. Pediatric physical therapists are individuals who specialize in physical therapy for children.
The therapists are taken through a detailed examination by the certification board members to verify their ability. This ensures that the therapists can offer exceptional services to children and sort out any available issues.
Note that the services offered by therapists should be naturally available in the environment where children spend most of their time. This is mostly at home, daycare centers, schools, and outpatient clinic facilities. If you have a child at school and qualify for the services, then the services should be offered at school.
If you have a child at home and require those services, then the therapist should be responsible and take over.
When a physician recommends physical therapy to your child, you should ensure you get in contact with a therapist. This is only recommended when your child is found to have functional problems that may require therapy for their well-being. Sometimes, your child might be diagnosed with a condition limiting them from accessing various programs or services, thus calling for pediatric physical therapy.
Originally published on DrColinKnight.com on August 12, 2021